Sudio Legale Bianchi Schierholz

Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partner

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  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners - Studio di Roma
  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners - Studio di Milano
  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners - Germania
  • Studio Legale Bianchi Schierholz & Partners

Disclaimer & Data Protection

The materials contained on this website are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal advice or other professional advice.

We accept no responsibility or liability for loss which may arise from reliance on information contained in this site. This website contains hyperlinks to websites that are not managed by Bianchi Schierholz Law Firm.

These hyperlinks have solely been included for the visitor’s convenience. We accept no responsibility or reliability for the content of any linked website. Please contact us at should you require further information.

Data Protection

Data Protection Information

In compliance with the obligations arising from EU Regulation (G.D.P.R. n. 679/2016) and Italian Legislation (D.lgs. 196/2003) we inform the data subjects that the information on the modalities adopted by this web site, about the protection of its visitors’ and users’ (data subjects) personal data, about the personal information collected by this website and the purposes of their processing, can be found here below.

Privacy and cookies Information of ( ENG - DEU) website.

This information regards only the online activities of this website, and it is valid only for its visitors and users.

In connection with the browsing on this website and with the use of it, data concerning identified or identifiable subjects may be processed.

Data Controller

Bianchi Schierholz & Partners Law Firm is the Data Controller, in person of Avv. Fabrizio Bianchi Schierholz, with its seat in 20122 Milan, Largo F. Richini, n. 2 A and Rome, Viale del Lido 24/b - mail address

Place of Processing

Data collected on this website are processed at the data controller’s seat and at data centers located in Italy,belonging to Analisi e Mercati s.r.l. (with its seat in Rome).

Categories of Processed Data

1. Browsing data

The web server (apache) that stores, processes and delivers this web site, automatically records, during its normal functioning, a log file of all connections generated by clients (i.e. the browsers by which users and visitors surf in the web); with respect to the connecting client, collected data can vary among these:

  • Internet Protocol address (IP);
  • Date and hour;
  • Type of connection (http – https);
  • url of destination and origin;
  • string that identifies the browser and S.O.;
  • “status of connection” code.

The aforementioned data are collected only in an aggregate way (access.log), in order to verify the proper and correct functioning of the software and/or for security’s sake. They are processed on the juridical ground of data controller’s legitimate interests.

According to the European General Data Protection Regulation the I.P. address has the status of personal data; however our Law Firm cannot connect any IP address to a singular person; only the Judicial Authority might give the judicial police the task of the identification, by using the data of the internet providers.

For the sake of security, IP addresses from which a malicious activity is noticed, including unauthorized access attempts or other illegal activities, shall be put in the firewalls, which are supposed to control the security of TCP/IP connection, in order to prevent the above-mentioned illicit activities.

Access logs are used and processed only for the above mentioned purposes, stored for a time frame not longer than 6 months and shall not be distributed; they might only be communicated to the Judical Authorities, in the cases established by Law.

2. Voluntarily Provided Data

The optional, explicit and voluntary, sending of e.mails to the addresses indicated in this web site implies the subsequent / following acquisition of the sender’s address and of other personal data, eventually contained in the e.mail sent.

3. Cookies

This web site makes use of cookies, i.e. small text files sent to the users’ PC by the visited web sites. These files are stored in users’ PC and are resent to the same web sites at the next visit.

This web site uses only first party technical cookies. These are necessary for the functioning of the web site, and to offer a service requested by users. They can be either persistent or session cookies can be persistent or session cookies; they are not used for other purposes than the above-mentioned, and it is not necessary to give consent to them.

Disable cookies

Cookies are directly created by your browser, in consequence of instructions contained in the visited web page; this function can therefore be managed best by the browser itself; it has to be noticed however that disabling cookies could prevent or interfere with the correct usage of some functions of this web site.

Instructions on how to disable cookies can be found, for the most common browsers, in the web pages here below:

Mozilla Firefox - Microsoft Internet Explorer - Microsoft Edge - Google Chrome - Opera - Apple Safari

Purposes and Juridical Grounds of Processing

This website lawfully processes the collected personal data, on the ground of the execution of a contract (the user’s browsing, the proper functioning of the site and the security of this web site), for the execution of pre-contractual activities (in case of response to requests or applications via e.mail address published on this site), for the legitimate interest of the data controller (legal protection in case of ascertaining of responsibility for computer crimes), for the fulfilment of a legal obligation (requests by Authorities).

By using or consulting this website, visitors and users give their explicit approval to this information on their personal data processing and give explicit consent to the processing, for the purposes and with the modalities described below.

Extra EU data transfer

This web site does not transfer data outside the area of the EU.

Modalities of Processing

Data will be processed by the Data Controller and by any other person appointed with electronic and/or manual systems according to the principles of fairness, loyalty and transparency established by the EU Regulation and Italian Law on personal data protection and by protecting the privacy of the Data Subject by technical and organizational safety measures, to ensure an adequate level of security.

Security precautions

This website processes users’ data lawfully and fairly, adopting the appropriate precautions, directed to prevent unauthorized accesses, disclosure, modification or destruction of data. Processing is carried out using IT and / or telematic tools, with organizational methods and logics strictly related to the indicated purposes.

Other subjects involved in the processing

In addition to the Data Controller, in some cases, some categories of subjects, involved in the organization of the site (administrative staff, coworkers of the Law Firm) or external parties (e.g. suppliers of third party technical services, consultants, hosting providers, IT companies, etc.) may have access to the data, regarding different purposes (display of the website and/or preparation of its content)

User’s rights as data subject

Pursuant EU Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) and Italian laws, this site’s users can - according to the modalities and within the limits provided by actual legislation - exercise the following rights

  • To request and have confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning him (right of access);
  • to know the origin of the data
  • to receive an intelligible communication of them
  • to get information about the logic, the modalities, the purposes of data processing;
  • to obtain the update, the rectification, integration, cancellation, transformation in anonymous form, the block of personal data processed in violation of law, including the ones no more necessary to the pursuit of the purposes for which they have been collected.
  • In case of “consent – based” processing, to receive at the cost only of the physical support, the data, belonging to the user, provided to the data controller /owner of this web site, in a structuredand readable form by a data computer and in a format commonly used by an electronic device;
  • The right to lodge a claim to his national Data Protection Authority, and, more generally, to exercise all the rights recognised by actual legislation and EU Regulation.

Requests should be addressed to the Data Controller, to the mail address “”.


DATA PROTECTION INFORMATION (Privacy Code, Legislative Decree. N. 196/2003 and subsequent amendments; since 25.03.2018, General Data Protection Regulation and security N. 679/2016)


In relation to personal data that will come into possession of the Law Firm with preliminary request for information (oral or via e-mail) and/or with the assignment of the power of attorney, to law firm Bianchi Schierholz (Fiscal Code n. BNC FRZ 67H27 F205H), based in 20122 Milan, Largo F. Richini, n. 2, telephone number n. 06 5627818, e-mail, certified mail, as data controller informs you of the following:

1. Purpose of collecting and processing personal data:

  The processing of data collected from you (as data subject, interested in processing) aims to,

  • evaluate the case in order to propose you an offer about our fees.
  • To the correct and complete execution of the professional mandate received, both in judicial and extrajudicial areas;
  • To the fulfillment of legal obligations in accounting, social insurance and tax matters (for example, issuing of invoices and accounts keeping) and any other obligation on the professional established by current legislation (e.g.: regarding anti-money-laundering);
  • To exercise the rights of the lawyer, as data controller, connected to the power of attorney (e.g.: extrajudicial or judicial activity).
  • 2. Legal basis of the processing

Law firm Bianchi Schierholz treats your personal data lawfully, whereas the treatment:

  • Is necessary for the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the client;

Law firm Bianchi Schierholz treats your personal data lawfully, whereas the treatment:

  • Is necessary for the execution of the mandate, or for the execution of a contract of which you are a part,;
  • It is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation imposed on the legal professional;
  • It is based on the expressed consent (for example, particular categories of data such as health data, judicial data, etc., or for sending a neswletter);
  • 3. Refusal to provide data

Your possible refusal to provide the personal data necessary for the performance of the mandate and for the fulfillment of the legal obligations imposed on the professional

implies the impossibility of fulfilling the assignment and in any case of starting the activity.


4. Types and categories of data processed

The data provided are common (e.g.: name, surname, telephone number, address and fiscal code) or relating to particular categories (for example: those relating to health in case of disputes concerning compensation for damages; judicial data in cases relating to convictions and criminal proceedings; data relating to the economic, commercial, financial and insurance situation, ownership or possession of movable and/or immovable property, data relating to the family or personal situations). The provision of personal data is limited to what is strictly necessary for the purposes of carrying out the activities referred to in point 


5. Recipients of personal data

Your personal data:

- Can be communicated to the persons in charge of the processing (other subjects operating under the authority of the controller and on his instructions, for example: colleagues and collaborators of the law firm, domiciliary lawyers and/or delegates for individual activities, the secretariat of the firm);

- Can also be communicated, for the purposes referred to in point 1, to external data controllers (accountant, maintenance of hardware and software services), to subjects operating in the judicial sector, to counterparties and related lawyers, to arbitrators' colleges, to mediation bodies and related officers and, in general, to all those public and private entities to whom communication is necessary for the correct fulfillment of the purposes indicated in point 1 and legal obligations.


6. Dissemination of personal data

Personal data are not subject to dissemination or transfer to third parties.


7. Data transfer abroad

Your personal data are stored on the local server in the law firm, to which each pc unit in the office has access, in the cloud server “dropbox” located in non-EU country (USA).The DROPBOX Inc Company has joined the Privacy Shield for adequate data protection.


8. Data relating to minors

In the case of processing of personal data relating to minors for the purposes referred to in point 1 (e.g.: litigation in matters of family law and minors), the legal basis is identified in the written consent of the parent, guardian or whoever shall take its place. The lack of consent will determine the impossibility to fulfill the assignment and in any case to start the activity.


9. Duration of processing and storage of data

The processing of data will be carried out until the accomplishment of the relationship. From this date, the data will be stored for 10 years on analogue and/or digital support, to fulfill legal obligations concerning tax, except in cases where it is necessary to keep them for a subsequent period for further legal obligations, for requests by the Authority and for further disputes.


10. Rights of the data subject

The person concerned with the processing of data, under certain circumstances established by law, has the right to:

A) Obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him/her, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form;

B) Obtain the indication: 1) of the origin of personal data; 2) of the purposes and methods of processing; 3) of the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; 4) of the identification details of the controller and of the processor, and the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as processors or authorized persons.

He/she, where applicable, has also the following rightsreferred to in the articles 16-21 of the European Data Protection Regulation (No. 679/2016):

  1. Right to access his personal data;
  2. Right to obtain the correction or integration of incomplete data or cancellation of the same or the limitation of the treatment that concerns them;
  3. Right to oppose to the treatment in which a legitimate interest of the interested party (or third parties) is invoked and there are elements relating to a specific personal situation that lead to oppose to the treatment;
  4. Right to data portability, i.e. to request the transfer of his data in electronic form to another controller;    
  5. Right to withdraw the consent (except in cases where the processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject or for the performance of a task of public interest or related to the exercise of public powers vested in the data controller);
  6. Right to lodge a complaint to the data protection Autorithy.

    11. How to exercise rights

The data subject concerned with the processing of data, may, at any time, exercise the rights referred to in point 10, by sending:

- Registered Letter to the address of the registered office of the data controller, at 00122 Rome, Viale del Lido 24;

- Or by sending an e-mail to the address: